Event Log Management - Version 12.10.01 Event log management is a comprehensive process thatentails gathering event logs from specific system on anetwork, analyzing all collected Windows and W3 Eventlogs, archiving Event logs in a centralized networklocation. For efficient administration of events on aWindows network, you should use Centralized Event LogManagement software.Lepide Event Log manager is a versatile tool forsecurity compliance, data audit and event monitoring ona Windows network. It is capable of monitoring largenumber of computers of a Windows Network. Event Logmanagement tool also sends alerts for critical networkwide events to Administrators. It generates multiplereports on system logs, application logs, securitylogs, DNS Server logs and all other network based logs. Lepide Event Log manager also helps networkadministrator in troubleshooting hardware or softwarecrash of specific system. By analyzing event logreports of selected or all computers of a network, ithelps organizations in strictly adhering to securitynorms of various agencies like HIPPA, GLBA,SOX, FISMAand PCI. Event Log management tool keeps all networkwide event logs in a centralized repository that can beused for complete analysis. It is equipped withseveral filter options for easy browsing of event logson different computers of a domain. You can evaluate key functions of Lepide Event Managerin evaluation version. Free version is caped withseveral limitations such as it can track and analyzeevent logs of only 10 computers of a domain. Moreover,free version does not allow administrator to collect W3event logs of a network. To get all features ofsoftware, you must purchase its licensed version. Formore details: www.eventlogmanagement.net