Virtual Platform Data Recovery - Version 2.0 Inexpensive Virtual platform data recovery softwarespecially devise for the users who are facingcorruptions or inaccessibility while mounting VHD file.VHD file can also be corrupted like other file formats.Our perfect Virtual platform data recovery applicationspecially developed to attain data recovery of Hyper-Vplatform and regain the VHD file data from corrupt,damaged, formatted or re-formatted partition. It isefficient VHD data recovery tool which speedily andsmoothly recover data from Virtual environment. You canalso take a free trial tour with the demo copy of thissoftware & know that how the tool completes the task ofdata recovery from Virtual drive. Rescue each and everyVHD files item without any alteration. It supports allWindows OS versions & also able to recover dataformatted Virtual partition. Grab the full licensedversion of VHD data recovery software at $99. In orderto know other information, follow this path: