OST to PST Recovery - Version 7.0 ENSTELLA SYSTEM developed new and paramount OST to PSTrecovery or OST PST recovery software to repair OutlookOST file and recover OST to PST in short time periods.Hi-Tech Outlook OST file recovery or Outlook OSTrecovery tool having advance scanning process throughwhich you can instantly recover OST file from corruptOST database and then safely convert OST to PST in aproper condition. Exchange OST file recovery toolautomatically read entire OST file and recover everyOST mail and massages and then transfer OST to PST.Enstella OST to PST or OST 2 PST recovery tool smoothlydeduct various errors or corruptions from ost file suchas-Virus Attack, Software malfunctioning, Hardwareproblem, Exchange server connection problem etc andsuccessfuly re-generate OST as PST. Enstella ExchangeOST recovery program easily extract OST emails with itsMeta information and restore OST to PST. Enstella OST to PST recovery Software has someimportant features:- * Fastest and safest method for Exchange OST to PSTrecovery. * Smoothly recover OST file data from Corrupt,healthy OST files. * Accurately repair Outlook OST file of such OSTfile versions-2010, 2007, 2003, 2000, 5.5, 5.0. * Scan OST file and extract every mail messages andrestore OST to PST. * recover OST contacts, journals, sent items,received items, junks emails etc. * Easily transfer OST file to PST file on such MSOutlook Versions-2010/2007/2003/2002/2000/97. * Software easy to install and uninstall on suchOperating systems-95, 98, XP, 2000, 2003, Vista, Win7 etc. * Try free trial pack of OST 2 PST recovery softwarebefore purchasing our software. * Avail OST to PST software after receiving alicense key of full versions software at USD 99 price.