Importing EML Files to Outlook 2003 - Version 4.1 Wishing that if you could just have tool that easilyImport EML Files in Outlook 2003 then it would havebeen lot easier for you to complete Importing EML Filesto Outlook 2003? Its look like your wish has beengranted, EML to PST Converter software does exactlythis. With this program you can easily convert the EMLfiles into PST format. Importing EML Files to Outlook2003 has been this easier. This function is limited tonot only Importing EML Files to Outlook 2003, but thereare additional features which this program provide,like the software also transfers the email attachmentsto PST, keeps the formatting of the email, saves themetadata information. The program all the needs ofImporting EML Files to Outlook 2003 and it is veryaffordable, only $49 of full license version.