Support Live Help - Version 1.2 Customers always tend to look for quick responses totheir requests for assistance. eAssistance Pro equippedwith rich features can be very handy in providingonline web chat and help desk service. You can trackoverall customers of your site. At the same time, youcan perform multiple live chat and transfer filethrough it. On the other hand, it is also integratedwith powerful feature that helps you monitor real timewebsite visitors along with geo location mapping. Italso offers you customizable operator console,collaborative chat, customizable chat button,customizable operator console, customizable visitorchat window, customizable greeting messages and cobrowsing facility for handling live chat operations inbetter manner. In addition, Spell checker, intelligentdictionary, auto suggest and pre defined options areother exceptional attributes of the software that maketyping of correct text much easy. Now, the newlyreleased version of eAssistance Pro tool is availablewith more powerful features like recently designed chatwindow for space management. The chat display panel isnow merged with the message option and it isincorporated with new common text settings for allongoing chats. Furthermore, within the upgraded versionof eAssistance Pro, local time of visitor depends upontheir geo location displayed under the visible tab inTask panel. Users can also resize the operator tooperator chat window as per their need. Anothersignificant aspect of software is its interactive, GUI,and self descriptive features that enable admin toperform multiple live chat sessions with visitors andcanned responses. With the help of this tool, you canalso monitor website traffic, visitor statistics andsummary of visitors. Now, free trial version of theeAssistance Pro is available for 30 days. The freetrial version of Online Live Help Tool helps you to getfamiliar with all the functionalities.