Transfer Windows Mail to Outlook - Version 4.5 Want a conversion tool for transfer Windows Mail toOutlook in easy few steps? EML to PST Conversion toolis best conversion program that easily transfer WindowsMail to Outlook without any delay in the process ofmove Windows Live Mail messages to Outlook. Softwarehas supportive GUI and high featured tool that easilyhelps use to use the features of tool and user easilycan transfer Windows Mail to Outlook. EML to PSTConverter have ability to extract data from .EML filesinto PST form and do bulk conversion within a fewseconds without any delay in process. Software hasability to extract EML files into Outlook fromdifferent email account such as Thunderbird, Entourage,and Windows Live Mail etc. Software has demo versionthat works same as original software but demo softwarehas some limitation that it convert only 10 EML filesinto Outlook and restrict batch conversion. Originalsoftware price is $49 only that is affordable for allusers and from licensed software user easily cantransfer Windows Mail to Outlook in bulk manner.