Remote Computer Spy Tool - Version 13.02.01 Monitoring every employee on large computer networkssuch as BPO, Banking and Insurance companies are verydifficult task. With Employee Desktop Live Viewer,desktop activities of every employee of a largeorganization can be continuously monitored andrecorded. The Remote computer spy tool has the uniquethree modes to register client computers for continuousmonitoring without revealing the clients itself. Youcan register computers by browsing over the network, byspecifying the IP addresses of computers, and by agentdetection technique. Due to the presence of two setupfiles, i.e. Agent and Server setup file, the Systemadministrator can monitor all agent computers in theorganization through Server setup file installed on theServer. Employee Desktop Live Viewer has the Real Timeapplication viewer that enables the monitoring of allemployee activities such as online chats, websitesaccessed, files downloaded or uploaded and runningprocesses. The recent analysis by the Research Analystsshows that the employee productivity decreasesdrastically because of the open unofficial Internetactivities that kills major hours of efforts requiredto accomplish the on job task. After the intelligentanalysis and studies, the Kernel software created theremarkable Employee Desktop Live Viewer utility thatgreatly helps organization in identifying employees whospoil precious office hours. Employee Desktop LiveViewer also performs several tasks on Agent computersthrough remote network connection such as adding orremoving wallpaper, restarting, and logging off thecomputer. The software is primarily run on all MSWindows Servers such as Windows XP, Vista, 2000, 7 and8. Evaluation version of the remote computer spy toolcan monitor single computer of a network for a limited7 days. You should purchase the licensed edition ofsoftware to watch and record multiple users of a domainor Workgroup.Visit: for moredetails.