America Online - Version 4.0 America Online (AOL) is a communications service that provides users with access to both the Internet and special AOL content. It offers 19 channels of content and features, covering topics such as news and entertainment. Members can obtain up to five email addresses per account, as well as 10MB personal home page space. Buddy Lists and instant messaging features are also included. With an AOL account, you can utilize a vast array of chat rooms, message boards, and online stores. Other features include online screening software, user profiles, and easy access to the Internet with AOL's own browser. The installation utility simplifies setup by locating local dial-up numbers, finding your modem, and configuring your software. AOL provides hundreds of widespread dial-up numbers, many of which offer speeds of 56 kbps. Standard accounts cost $21.95 for unlimited access. Less expensive accounts may be acquired, but charge per hour after a time limit has been reached.