OST to Outlook Conversion - Version 13.05.01 The most common cause of OST file corruption are largesize of OST file, sudden shutdown, hard disk failure,network breakdown, virus attack, exchange server crashetc. In addition, delay in OST file synchronizationwith Exchange server results orphaned or useless OSTfile. In order to deal with such situation of OSTfiles, you can refer the OST Integrity Check(scanost.exe) tool which is an inbuilt and free tooloffered by Microsoft. This tool can check and scan theOST files for synchronization issues and repair minorissues of OST files. But, it is not enough to resolveall severe issues of OST file. Rigorous problems of OSTfiles can be fixed only by using a professional OST toOutlook conversion tool like Kernel for OST to PST. Itis an advanced tool which is developed to resolve allpossible issues of OST file. It is integrated withhighly advanced algorithms that perform a thoroughscanning of the orphan or inaccessible files andrecover all email items. When scanning process getscompleted, the tool displays the entire list ofrecovered OST file that include email messages, withfolders, posts, appointments, contacts, tasks,distribution lists, task requests, journals, meetingrequests and notes. The list of recovered email itemsis displayed with preview facility so that you caneasily identify your particular file. It also recoveremails in various formats like Plain Text, RTF, andHTML format. Furthermore, it also offers you facilityto save the recovered email messages in .EML, .MSG,.DBX including .PST file format. It can successfullyrecover email items from inaccessible OST files createdby all versions of Microsoft Exchange server including2013 or MS Outlook 2013. It also supports Windows 8 OS.FREE trial version can be used to evaluate features andperformance of the tool before purchasing the completeversion. For more details:www.exchangedatabaserecovery.net/ost-to-outlook.html