Open Corrupt OST - Version 11.03 Unability to open corrupt OST files might be due tovarious reasons like virus attacks, synchronizationissues, network fault, etc. An inbuilt tool to repairdamaged OST files may help you in repairing the damagedOST files in case the OST files are minorly corrupted.But in case the OST file is severely corrupted, theinbuilt tool fails to resolve the corruption issues. Insuch a case, the user must go for a third-party tool torepair the damaged OST files with complete accuracy.RecoveryFix for OST to PST is one such outstandingthird-party tool that repairs damaged OST files,converts them to PST files making them fully accessiblewith Microsoft Outlook.Using this Open Corrupt OST File tool, all the emaildata/folders stored within OST files including Inbox,Outbox, Sent Items, Drafts, posts, appointments,contacts, tasks, distribution lists, task requests,journals, meeting requests, notes, etc. The offeredeasy-to-use, self-descriptive, highly-interactivegraphical user interface of the software makes workingwith the utility and performing the entire OST to PSTemail migration process much easier even for noviceusers. On complete email recovery from damaged OSTfiles, the entire recovered data is displayed in atree-like hierarchical structure to let users check theaccuracy of data recovered.Open Corrupt OST File tool available as a free todownload trial version let its users evaluate itscapabilities before deciding to purchase the fulllicensed version. Simply download the free demoversion, provide the damaged OST file for recovery, thefree demo version will then display preview ofrecovered data but restricts from saving it. To saveentire recovered email data into Outlook PST files, youneed to purchase the full version of the software. Formore information, visit: