Support Live Chat Software - Version 1.2 In the age of IT technology, many organizations conducttheir businesses through online mode. eAssistance Prohelp business organizations in reaching out to buyersthrough live web chat sessions. It is integrated withthree types of user interface i.e., Admin, Operator andVisitor. Admin or Website administrator manages allchat accounts on a website whereas operator can useOperator console of the software to handle all queries.Visitors can type their queries or text messages in theChat Messenger Box of eAssistance Pro. Support Livechat software has two types of Operator console i.e.,Web Based and Standalone. Web Based operator consolecomprises of basic software chat features only and canbe accessed from any Web Browser and Operating System.Standalone Operator Console needs to be downloaded andinstalled on the Operator system. You can installStandalone version of eAssistance Pro on all Operatorsystems of your Organization. This Support Live Chatsoftware offer six types of Chat codes that can beconveniently pasted anywhere in webpages or emails. Italso allows Business organization to track visitor’slocation, geographical time, Web access history andother details on its website. The software supportmultiple live web chat sessions simultaneously. It alsosupport Live chat session between different operators.Support Live Chat tool allow web operator to change thefont size, color and style of the ongoing chatmessages. It also allows web operator to resize theOperator to Operator Chat Windows. eAssistance Prosupports both mobile and desktop web browsers such asOpera Mini, Firefox for Android, Google Chrome,Internet Explorer. Free version of eAssistance Pro isfully functional for limited period. It adds only oneoperator and Department for online chat sessions withvisitors. Therefore, purchase the licensed version ofsoftware to add multiple operators and departments foronline chat sessions. visit: