ClipStore - Version 1.01 ClipStore has been developed with the aim of extending the standard clipboard's use and enabling you to store Clips within a Filing Cabinet, allowing you to browse or edit them at will and re-load them to the Clipboard as required.It's aimed squarely at the productive computer user, the likes of programmers etc, but not specificaly so. In fact, anyone will find that they have a use for ClipStore. You can specify drawers within the File Cabinet where your new clip should be stored, the identifying glyph may be changed as you wish and you can add a note to each stored item, allowing you to provide information on the item's use or where it came from etc.ClipStore may be set to automatically save any new items copied to the Clipboard, providing an automatic naming convention. Stored items can be viewed from the File Cabinet, and if it's a text item, it can be modified either within the File Cabinet, or even insitu within the Clipboard itself!