AderA Bar - Version 1.00 The search toolbar for Internet Explorer. Increase your search results with 200% !Features:1.Integrates with Internet Explorer AderA Bar is a Internet Explorer toolbar that helps you with your search requests. You can search from any site, saving the time it takes to go to a search engine and place a query. 2. Many preconfigured Search Engines The most important search engines are preconfigured: AllTheweb Altavista AOL Search Ask Jeeves Dogpile Google and Google groups Lycos MSN Search Teoma Wayback Yahoo 3. Customize the list of Search Engines You can add any site that has a search function. The complete list of preconfigured and customized search engines can be adapted to your needs. You hide seacrch engines from the list and change the order of search engines. 4. Highlight Search Terms Another feature is the possibility for highlighting your search terms throughout the page. 5. Find your Search keywords or phrase Beside highlighting all the search terms in a page, you can browse through each separate search term.