Domain Name Commando - Version 1.0 Managing your domain names just got easier! Forgetting to pay annual domain registration fees can cause you to lose your domain names. Domain Name Commando protects your domain names and web site(s) by regularly monitoring the whois registration records for expiration or unauthorized changes. If a domain registration changes (such as from someone transferring ownership or hacking the records to disrupt service to your web site) or nears its expiration date, you will receive automatic email alerts so that you can take pre-emptive action to protect your assets. Some web-based services charge $99/year per domain name for this feature alone! Works with all the top TLD and ccTLD domains, worldwide, including .com, .net., .org, .biz, .gov., .name, .info, .at, .au, .de, .es, .fr, .in, .uk and more!