News Updater - Version V1.07 News Updater is a small program which provides a clearand easy Grafical User Interface for anyone who wantsto update his/her site. First a template needs to becreated to reflect the look and feel of the site. Thensome FTP data, filenames and locations (where the filesshould be put) are required. After this anyone will beable to upload an article to your site with ease. Noscripting knowledge is required, it's quick and easy.News Updater is a stand-alone program which does notneed any CGI-bin or database installed on the hostingserver. This means that it can be used for any staticsite. Your only requirement is FTP support.The News Updater solution for CMS also speeds up asite's performance. A static page can be delivered muchfaster than any script-generated page since no databaseneeds to be inquired for content.News Updater supports the following features:- Text decoration like Bold Italics Underlined and Striked.- Images are automatically resized to maximumconstraints preserving the aspect ratio.- Automatic HTML Charter code conversion.- Automatic link and E-mail detection (makes the urlwork as a hyperlink).- Password protection.News Updater is free for personal non-commercial use.However for some features like password protection anda customized about-box (with your logo), registrationis required.