HotHTML 3 Professional - Version 1.6.3389 HotHTML 3 is a windows HTML/Text editor for developersthat write in multiple languages and need a single IDEthat can handle them all. Developed for multi-skilledand multi-talented developers HotHTML 3 delivers a richtoolset aimed at Web, Windows, Java and .NETdevelopers. With support for over 28 languagesincluding ASP.NET and PHP5 as well as: - SmartPreview,enabling you to preview documents(even server sidedocuments via the use of a Local or Networked WebServer)within the IDE or externally via a supportedbrowser. Even preview Cascading Style Sheets to see howthey will look like! - BuildManager, allowing you tocompile scripts and applications of any type directlyinside the IDE(for example, use the C# compiler tocompile C# programs within the IDE!). -ProjectExplorer, manage your HotHTML 2001, VisualBasic, Visual Studio.NET and Visual C++ projects withinthe same IDE or use our new HotHTML 3 Project formatfor your web solutions. WebManager - HotHTML 3's ownstandard FTP Editor so you can edit, create or manageyour remotely hosted sites easily. - DocumentData,outline a skeleton navigational tree of supporteddocument types(SGML Languages, Visual Basic, CascadingStyle Sheets) so you can easily navigate through thetreeview like structure to the area you desire! -CodeCleaner, powered by TidyCOM ensure that your webdocuments are standards compliant, syntax correct and"optimised".New Office XP style user interface meanseverything is customisable, dockable and easily tomanage. At the core is a powerful syntax highlighterwith support for over 24 languages natively and supportfor more via Syntax Definition Files with powerfulfeatures such as bookmarking, macros, powerfulfind/replace routines (with Regular Expression Support)and many other tools and features to make the life ofthe user an enjoyable experience. Why keep reading whenyou can go download a FREE fully functional copy ofHotHTML 3 to see if it suites your needs.