Aweris WebServer - Version Aweris WebServer is based on the 3 most-popular webtechnologies: Apache, Perl and PHP and it gives to youcomplete framework for using their power. AwerisWebServer is designed with MySQL in mind, because thisis the most-used database technology in theweb-development world.Because all these popular servers and languages aredesigned to work on Unix/Linux environment, there arenumber of troubles when you need to use them on Windowsmachine. That's why we started Aweris Project.Aweris setup package installs on your PC pre configuredand ready to use Apache/PHP/Perl server, WebServerControl Panel, different productivity tools, helpfiles, wizards etc. Note that Aweris WebServer is morethan Apache, PHP and Perl.The major parts of package are:- Aweris WebServer itself - just install and start theserver with one mouse click - Aweris WebServer Control Panel - Integrated controlinterface for the webServer, but also for all majorcomponents of Aweris and different development tasks.Aweris Control Panel is similar to - Windows Start menu- starting point for quick access to all parts ofaweris and shortcuts to sites you develop with fewmouse clicks - Help Center - for quick access to help files, wizardsand guides Aweris WebServer comes with usefuldocumentation pack for everyday usage. - Demo sites and examples pre installed - just opendemo site to see how it works, edit and test yourchanges easily. - Update Center - for quick and easy check for updates - Different Design and Development tools - such aseditors and converters - to boost your productivity