sWedge - Version 1.0 sWedge is a small program that allows you to convertdata sent through the serial port to keyboard data, asif it was typed into the keyboard. This allows you touse Bluetooth devices, barcode scanners, chequereaders, magnetic stripe readers and even othercomputers to input data as if it had been typed, savingyou time and giving better accuracy than typing. Thereare a number of options available in the program tomake it more flexible to better meet your needs. Features powerful data formatting, can log all data toa file, can restrict data to be sent to only selectedprograms for sensitive data, can be set to startautomatically and works with barcode scanners, chequereaders, magnetic stripe readers, any hardware thattransmits data via the serial(RS232) port. Bothpowerful and easy to use. The demo version has no expiration, however everysecond character transmitted will be a "!" character.The full version does not have this limitation.