Free Visual Folder Tree Builder - Version 2.1 Visual Folder Tree Builder is a visual shell forcreating JavaScript applets without any knowledge ofJavaScript. Tree Builder will give your Web site theprofessional look and feel. Documents and folders areorganized just like in Windows Explorer. It is possibleto click on a folder to open it, and click on adocument to access its contents. You can see a preview of your tree, select folders anddocuments, move folders and documents with a mouse. Youmay use these buttons to add New Folders, Documents,and remove them from the tree. Remove button removes acurrently selected document or folder.New Folder button adds a sub-folder to a currentlyselected folder, or if a document is selected a folderis added to document's folder. Document button adds adocument to a currently selected folder, or if adocument is selected a new document is added toselected document's folder. In Caption text-box you mayset a name for a selected folder or document.Link text-box is used to designate a link for adocument or folder (folders may also link somewhere).If a link starts with http:// (or ftp:// and etc.), thelink will be searched on another server, otherwise itwill be searched in the same place where your tree islocated.You can use a button on the right - [...] to select afile name of a link. Please note, this function shouldbe used only to save time typing the name of a link, afile should be properly placed into the same folderwhere your tree is located (in preview mode it is "Out"folder).A target can be set in a Link target drop-down box.There are two possible choices for a target: main_frameor _blank main_frame can be altered to any other namein "Global Properties", if _blank is selected, a linkwill be opened in a new browser window. Folder's targetcan be main_frame only (can be altered to any othername in "Global Properties").Initial state drop-down box allows setting an Opened,Closed state for a selected folder.