EMCO RunAs Professional - Version 1.0 Have you ever dreamed to run different programson different machines on your LAN with specifiedpermission. EMCO Software has brought an excellenttool known as EMCO RunAs Professional that empowersnetwork administrators to run different applicationswith different access levels on different nodes of aLAN. Users can select the machines that they want toprocess and then they can specify what programs theywant to run along with the access level with whichthey want to execute those applications on the remotemachines.EMCO RunAs Professional has the ability to scanavailable machines on a network for differentinformation. It can collect different hardwareand software information including detailedinformation about processors, network adaptors,processors and memory banks (total availableslots, capacity per slot and available memoryon each slot).EMCO RunAs also enables users to uninstall stubson remote machines. Users can also provide differentparameters to execute applications with specifiedparameters.The main features of EMCO RunAs Professional aredescribed below:Scan LAN for all available machines on a LAN - EMCORun As Professional has a built in LAN enumerationtool that collects a wide range of hardware andsoftware information including details aboutprocessors, network adaptors, and memory banks.Automatically discover the available Machines fromthe LAN - EMCO RunAs Professional is able toautomatically discover all available Machines fromthe LAN. Along with that you can also scan yournetwork by just providing domain/workgroup name orby providing a range of IP addresses.One click scan of all machines available on LAN –EMCO RunAs Professional provides facility of oneclick scan of all machines available on LAN. So,you don’t need to remember or look for the IPaddresses of different machines available on yourLAN.Many more...