HotlinkBlocker - Version 1.2 Leeches! Who are they and why do you have to protect your downloadable content from them? If you offer any files for download from your web site, other sites have to ask your permission in order to publish your materials on their sites. All your images, audio files, documents (etc.) are protected by copyright law. But, others still can offer your files to their visitors without crediting your site by simply putting direct download links that point to the files on your server. This method is called "hot linking" and the people who do this are called "leeches". You pay for the traffic, you lose visitors, you receive less revenue from any advertisements on your site and you compete with your own content. Leeches do not infringe any laws and thus you cannot complain to their hosting providers.There are many anti-leech solutions around. Most of them are intended for Unix servers and require you to install and configure PHP scripts. Helicontech offers HotlinkBlocker, a surprisingly powerful anti-leech