Identity Patrol - Version 2.0 Identity Patrol was originally developed as an advancedtool to protect your online identity from any attemptto access your personal information. Our users quicklyrealized that although the program was engineered toprotect against identity theft, the process of which itaccomplished this made it an extremely powerfulanti-spyware tool that was capable of detecting morethan 116,000 known spyware threats including keyloggers, malware, worms, trojans and system monitoringsoftware - in fact in lab testing, Identity Patrol wasable to detect all three hidden monitoring softwaretest titles that were guaranteed by their distributorsto be undetectable on the infected system. ( see ourwebsite for test results ) Because the programperforms an extensive scan of your entire file and harddrive structure, it has the ability to find rogueprograms that threaten your identity and privacy, andhas a far higher detection rate then traditionalspyware detection and removal programs.