OKSoft MPEG Converter - Version 1.22 OKSoft MPEG Converter is a piece of software designedfor converting among different video formats AVI, MPEG,WMV, ASF with different parameters including videocodec, audio codec, framerate, bitrate, width, height,NTSC/PAL, etc. It can convert MPEG to WMV, AVI to WMV,AVI to MPEG, WMV to MPEG, etc.OKSoft MPEG Converter supports NTSC, PAL. And duringconverting, there is a video preview window you mayturn it on or off. Before converting to MPEG, you may set the outputMPEG's parameters including MPEG format, video width,video height, frame rate, video bitrate, audio bitrate,video quality, etc.Before converting to AVI, you may set the output AVI'sparameters including video codec, audio codec, videowidth, video height, frame rate, video bitrate, audiobitrate, video quality, etc.Before converting to WMV, you may set the output WMV'sparameters including WMV profile, video codec, audiocodec, video width, video height, frame rate, videobitrate, audio bitrate, video quality, etc.