Macro Mania - Version 11.2.4 This award-winning program will save you time and moneyas you automate your computer tasks with macros. MacroMania eliminates all the tedious computer tasks andredundant typing chores that can be done much fasterand easier with macros. It can launch new or activatean already running program; send keystrokes to anyWindows programs; transfer information betweenprograms; read, write, copy, move, delete and renamefiles and folders; interact with the windows clipboard,and much more. All of these tasks, and many more, canbe done with macros -- which means they can beperformed very quickly and with minimal effort from thecomputer user. Macro Mania even has a built inscheduler so you can run macros unattended. A friendlyinterface will help you quickly become a "Macro Maniac"like thousands of other users. The program installswith a well-organized help system and severaleasy-to-follow examples that will have you productivelyusing Macro Mania quickly.