Live Chat Program - Version How can company representative and website visitors orclients perform online communication (one to one) inreal time? Ajax based chat communication programfacilitates to send offline messages when companyexecutive is not online. Real time chat server utilityis compatible with all major web browsers includingInternet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firebox and NetscapeNavigator. Professional live help chat softwaresupports Unicode character architecture and also saveall chat sessions. Computer help desk tool providesonline interaction between customers or visitors andwebsite company representative for problem solvingabout your product. Single operator ASP chat scriptapplication allows you to decrease the service cost andincrease the sales of your online products.Multilingual language supported online chat scriptsoftware is useful for online business such asinsurance, e-commerce, auto sales, distance education,website designing, web hosting, real estate, travelagencies, consultancy etc. Live customer supportprogram is password protected tool that prevents fromunauthorized users access. Single operator live chatapplication provides highly interactive user friendlygraphical user interface and easily understandable byboth non technical and technical persons.Features:* Ajax based client chat software provides facility tomodify or change standard chat buttons with yourcustomizable style.* Live chat support application provides one to oneonline chat conversation between clients or websitevisitors and company executives to solve their productsrelated queries.* Single user chat utility does not require any specialJava Applets, plug-ins and DLL to be installed on theserver.* Live chat tool is developed in active server page(ASP) with support of Ajax technology and shows the IPaddress and host name of each website visitors.