Whois Tools
Whois Tools is a free WHOIS and DNS lookup application
designed to help users to look up the Whois records
and DNS information of a website. The application is
particularly useful to web designers and developers
for looking up Whois and DNS information for the
domain or IP address of their choice, checking the
correctness of domain binding to a host, checking mail
settings and searching for the contact information of
a website owner.
Using Whois Tools is absolutely simple. Just open the
application and type in the keyword into the field and
see what comes up. The application allows you to find
out the domain registrar, geographic location of the
server by a website address, geographic location by IP
address, IP address of a website, hostname from an IP
address, DNS servers for a website, mail MX records
for a website and hostmaster email for a website.
Whois Tools contacts many online databases to find
information you need and if it finds anything
relevant, you can see it on screen.