UnixDos Toolkit for Windows XP/95/98/2000/NT
UnixDos Toolkit makes the full power of 65 main UNIX�
utilities available under any DOS and Windows
Environment. It allows you to do powerful tasks
directly from the command line or batch files. In
addition it provides 28 usefull utilities beside the
regular UNIX� set of programs. UnixDos contains many
improvements over the standard UNIX� and offers also a
much more powerfull argument expansion than UNIX� or
DOS. UnixDos contains a full 250 page Online Help
with many examples.
The following utilities are available:
Process Control:
at, ps, kill, wait_end
Program Development:
cc/cc1/cc3, mak2mk, m4
Move/delete/change files and directories:
(u)cd, chmod, cp, cpio, mkdir, mv, mvdir, rm, touch
Display/search the contents of files:
bgrep, bvi, cat, egrep, fgrep, file, grep, head,
nl, umore, od, pr, tail,
tee, strings
Manipulate file contents (analyze, convert, count,
edit, extract, sort,
split ...):
af, b64, bed, bsplit, cut, dd, dio, dos2unix,
getlines, io, m4, sed,
split, sum, tr, unix2dos, uuencode, uudecode, wc
List or find files and directories:
basename, df, dirname, drvname, extname, filename,
du, ls, mf, (u)find,
slash, which
Compare or merge files and directories:
cf, cmp, cmpdir, comm, diff, join, paste, uniq,
User Interaction:
line, inpbox, msgbox, usrchar, usrprmpt, txtbox
Miscellaneous Functions:
add, add_func, banner, bbanner, bell, cal, cc1,
cc3, clear, conv,
(u)date, (u)echo,
env, exit, expr, mak2mk, sleep, (u)time, uptime,
saveexit, setenv,