AVG Internet Security - Version 7.5.516a1225 Complete security protection against all of the most serious Internetthreats, including viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware, adware, hackersand spam.Includes * Anti-Virus protects from viruses, worms and Trojans * Anti-Spyware protects from spyware, adware and other maliciousprograms * Anti-Spam filters spam and protects against phishing attacks * Firewall protects from hackersFeatures * All-in-one, easy to use protection - install and forget * New program versions and updates, for free, throughout the licenseduration * Quality proven by all major antivirus certifications (VB100%, ICSA,West Coast Labs Checkmark) * 24/7 technical support provided at no extra cost * Improved virus detection based on better heuristics and NTFS datastream scanning * Unique automatic threat removal antispyware engine * Automatic firewall profile switching for improved security andusability