Advanced Process Manipulation - Version 1.1 DiamondCS Advanced Process Manipulation (APM) is anadvanced process/module viewer and manipulation utilitythat allows unique control over target processes byliterally becoming a part of them.Take control of a process by becoming a part of it ...Unlike conventional process viewers, DiamondCS APMdoesn't control processes by remotely sending theminstructions. Instead, APM safely attaches a part ofitself to the target process, essentially becoming apart of that process. Once 'inside', APM is free toperform actions on behalf of the target process. Forexample, if it calls the ExitProcess API function, thetarget process terminates.Control processes in ways that aren't conventionallypossible ...Because of this 'insider' nature, APM is able to dosome remarkable things that aren't otherwise possible.For example, it can unload and load DLLs into thetarget process (allowing you to make plugins forvirtually any program). It can even determine whichports the target process is using. APM has even provenits unique anti-trojan capabilities here in our lab bydisinfecting an explorer.exe-infecting usermode-rootkittrojan from a test machine. It also serves as a usefulway to see which modules are loaded in each process!