AggreGate Device Management Platform - Version 4.37 AggreGate Device Management Platform is a multi-indu stry M2M solution that employs modern communication tech nologies to control, configure and monitor diffe rent electronic devices. As the name implies, AggreG ate lets enterprises collect (or "aggregate") device data into a common database, where roled users may "sl ice and dice" it according to their needs, as well as let other enterprise applications transpare ntly access it. The AggreGate Platform provides solut ions for vertical markets such as netw o rk monitoring and management, SCADA/HMI and process au tomation, access control, time and attendance, build ing automation, remote monitoring, fleet management, ven ding machines and self-service kiosks, sensor network s, automatic meter reading, people/vehicle counting, event management and data logging, home automation, and more. AggreGate's innovati v e technology provides many technical benefits, such as a n integrated role-based security model, multiple user i