Android Mobile SMS Software - Version Time saving Android Mobile SMS Software quicklydownloads on to easily sendthousands number of bulk text messages without anytechnical skills or internet connection requirements ina few mouse clicks anyplace anywhere. Highly technicalbulk messaging program sends sms to inform yourbusiness products launching details, company employeedaily working details and business meetings informationin a few mouse clicks. Comprehensive android phone bulktext messaging software regulate or control your dailylaunching new products details like prize information,notification, brands and increase sales report withoutinternet connection requirements in a few secondsanywhere. Innovative Android cell phone softwareprovides solutions for various industries includingbanking industries, railway, airlines, retail industry,telecom sector, educational institute and others realestate companies without any technical knowledge in afew seconds. Highly advanced mobile bulk text messagingprogram provides facility to inform new businessproducts details, employee daily business workingperformance information and business meetings date ortiming details without any internet connectionrequirements anyplace. Company offers bulk text mobilesms program easily supports all Unicode languages tosends thousands numbers of bulk text messages in anytext file format or saved all sms and contact detailsin txt, html, excel file systems without any extraknowledge. Important Features:*Highly technical Android Mobile SMS Software providesfacility to skip your overall duplicate number ofentries or contact details without any technical help. * Time saving mobile bulk text messaging program allowto sends thousands number of bulk text sms at anyandroid technology based mobile phone.*Comprehensive android mobile text sms software quicklysends bulk messages from laptop to various cell phonenumbers without any technical skills in a few seconds.