Antivirus Internet Security Software - Version 1.0 Best Antivirus software and internet security programscompletely manage your computer and protect yourcomputer from unknown Viruses, Trojans, Malwares andSpyware threats. Software protects your pc in real-timeand blocks all unknown viruses and filters all accessedweb-pages for fraud attempts. While using BitDefenderAntivirus Internet Security packages your pc has beenrisk free from all types of malware threats.Features of BitDefender Antivirus Internet SecuritySoftware:* Equipped with very fast scanning techniques toperform quick virus scan* Quickly detect and remove all types of spyware,trojans and malware* Reduces the risk of identity theft* Advanced antivirus, spyware protection with firewall* Advanced phishing attacks protection and Spam Blocker.* Software built with latest technology "internetsecurity 2009"* Advance proactive virus detection techniques to blockviruses and trojans.BitDefender Internet Security suite is a proactivesecurity bundle that easily protects your identity andyour personal computer from hackers, viruses, emailsand IM scams. Advance Parental control techniques helpsyou and your family members avoid unsafe websites.