Au Backup - Version 1.1 "Au Backup" software is a system of automatic backupfiles archiving. The unique feature of this program,differentiating it from analogs is that "Au Backup"automatically saves all versions of files in thearchive, even after a source file was deleted. Thisfeature allows not only restore any lost file, butcontinue using it since its any last saved change. Theprogram receives tasks from users for processingseparate files, and whole folders. If processingfolders, it's possible to indicate filename (documents)wildcards for including to the task, and excluding fromit. Tasks are fulfilled according to the user'sindicated schedule, at the same time, built-in timer isused (Windows task scheduler is not needed for thisprogram to work). The program works correctly with fileaccess rights, and guarantees the necessary security offiles and additional information, being kept andprocessed by the program. The program does not requestadministrator's or archive's operator's rights forprocessing user's private files, if this task isassigned by the user himself.