BKF Repair Tool - Version 5.3 SysTools BKF Repair tool is one such sole solution that acquire positive results and many users are already know that the SysTools product is the best solution to repair corrupt BKF files. If we considered on the topic of Windows BKF corruption then we find many issues which are given below:Reasons of corruption:-BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer Service): When BITS and Windows backup utility are running simultaneously then backup files shows an error message that some files are missing and unable to restore backup files when you try to restore it on Windows machine.Limit Size of BKF Files: In FAT system the size limit of BKF files is nearby 4 GB and if it exceeds its limit size then it becomes corrupt and got unusable.If you are facing this kind of problem and seeking for a reliable solution then use our BKF Repair tool and resolve all BKF Error issues. We suggest you to download demo version of BKF Repair tool first and after that if it gives you sufficient response then