Break Large Outlook Files - Version 4.0 For all the outlook users it will be easy and very muchconvenient for the users to break large outlook filesinto smaller PST files with the help of third partytool known as a PST splitting tool. This tool is acomplete and useful tool which is compatible with allthe outlook versions and thus break large PST outlookfiles which are compatible with your default profile ofthe outlook and thus user can easily store all the PSTdata in their local machine or network and willconfigure only the useful data which user generally usein their daily process of emailing. If a user breaklarge outlook files into smaller PST files then it willbe very much easier for the user to manage all the dataof the outlook and there will be not a single chance ofcorruption as well.Break large outlook PST files into smaller PST fileswith the help of the Split PST tool which can easily break PST files into smaller PST files and thus manageall the outlook data easily. It is free to download anduser can easily break large PST files into smaller 50emails at once and if user wants to unlimitedconversion of PST files then users can take a fullversion licensed key only in $49. If there is any typeof confusion or problem to break large outlook filesthen user can contact with our technical expert team aswell.