Bulk SMS Marketing - Version Bulk SMS Marketing application has ability to broadcastnew product launched and business details on GSM basedmobile numbers without external help. High quality bulkSMS program is fully capable of sending all types oftext messages in Unicode format from computer systemvia GSM technology based mobile phone device. DownloadBulk SMS providing tool fromwww.bulksmsmobilemarketing.com that enables businessusers to easily communicate with customer and informsabout new product promotional details and festivaldiscounts without any external facility. Advance BulkSMS Marketing tool helps business user to transmitproduct price updates on cluster of mobile numbers.Highly comprehensive bulk SMS provider utility iscapable to easily work with collection text messagingapplication without any external help. Effective textmessaging application facilitates you to easily sendsms on GSM based mobile numbers and save sent messagesas templates for further reference. Advance technicalBulk SMS Marketing utility has ability to transmitinstant notification messages to personal or group ofmobile numbers. Easy to access Bulk SMS Marketingapplication is used to deliver all types of message andnotification on GSM technology based mobile numbers.Easy to use Bulk SMS Marketing program is used to sendtext message and suitable for business organizations,telecom sector, and information technology industries.Advance usable Bulk SMS providing tool enables you toeasily broadcast all types of messages includingbusiness detail, new product launched withoutprofessional guidance.Feature* Group text messaging software is designed withgraphical user interface that transmit Unicode textmessages to cluster of mobile numbers.* Bulk SMS providing tool is used to business detailsfrom notebook to GSM technology based mobile phone device.* Bulk SMS provider utility is used to transmit productpromotional details to a group of mobile withoutinternet gateway.