Bulk SMS Reseller - Version Easy to use bulk sms software offers service to sendlarge amount of messages across the world and helps toget connected with friends and relatives in simplifiedmanner. Advance featured mass text sms senderapplication is helpful for our all Bulk SMS Reseller toimprove business with minimum investments.www.bulksms.mobi website provides simple to downloadand technically advance sms servicing applicationsincluding Bulk SMS GSM tool, Bulk SMS software forMulti USB Modem and others that makes possible for nontechnical users to send multiple text messages from PCin few simple mouse clicks. Well recognized massmessage broadcasting utility is capable to skip allduplicate contact numbers during the process of messagesending. Bulk messaging application is developed withadvance technology and list wizard option to maintainlist of mobile numbers for instant sending of messagesfrom Android technology based phones. Best designedgroup message transfer tool is compatible with alltypes of USB modems to deliver mass text messages.Company offers best solution for both IT and non ITusers to get connected with other persons and topromote their products, brands, service etc by usingbulk messages application. Features:* Bulk SMS Reseller helps to promote advance groupmessage transfer program of company in most proficientmanner. * Software does not require technical skills to operateit for fast communication between friends, relativesand others.* Bulk text message deliver utility provides facilityof sending standard messages and notifications as peruser choice.* Mass sms tool supports all Windows operating systemincluding Windows Vista, XP, 7 etc to deliver largeamount of messages from GSM phones.