CGI Star Professional - Version 5.19 Software to make Common Gateway Interface (CGI) for weborder, feedback and more. Wizard-style interface.Create an order form complete with CGI functionality inless than 5 minutes. It can be "one-click submission"or "multi-page input submission". Lets you receive aform input as text/HTML email or the entire form as itappears on the web. Attach and send local files fromuser's PC. The input can be mailed to one or moreaddresses. User confirmation screen before mailing.Auto-response email to the user. Mask selected IDs incopy email. Mail can be in plain text or HTML format.Customizable templates for mail, auto-response andacknowledgment pages. Customizable invoice/receipt touser. Customizable CGIs. Store the input on server. Nolimit to number of forms and CGIs. Choice to run theCGI off one`s own server or off WebGenie`s secureserver for a nominal fee. Configurable templates forCGI-generated pages. Mandatory field checking. One-timelicence fee. Supports UNIX, NT and Windows webservers.Module to add an input area on your web site to enableyour visitors to refer the site to their friends Idealto make a user registration or mailing listsubscription form which can optionally add the detailsinto a database/file on the server. Setup a pageredirection based on user selection from a dropdownlist. Sell digital goods by automatic downloading afterpayment or delayed supply of password to download. Uservalidation via username/password and redirection to aURL can be used as a simple way to password protectyour documents. Secure server capability. The CGIcreated with this software is so versatile it can bemodified to perform a variety of functions not intendedin the program. A reasonable working knowledge of Perlis required for this. Or, we shall do thecustomizations as a paid job. This program has beenreferenced by Microsoft as one of the "developerresources" and has received several prominent awards.Excellent technical support via email/phone.