Chily Active Directory Management and Reporting - Version 9.12.01 CADMR has been designed for the efficient management ofMicrosoft Active Directory from one single application.Administrators can manage multiple domains by addingthem to the tool and then administering them in respectof User accounts, Groups, Resources, OrganizationalUnits, Domain Controllers, Computers, Servers, Schemas,WMI, Services, Devices, Sessions, Open Files, Accountpolicy, Audit Policy, Events, Disk Space, Registry,User rights, Distributed File System, System Tools, TCPUtilities, Job Scheduling, Performance, and other ADobjects. The explorer-like view of the software helpsin easy functioning than the native Command-like. Admincan generate queries for WMI, AD Objects andPerformance. The output-driven reports for managedgroups, unmanaged groups, security groups, members ingroups, GPO linked OUs, All OUs, Soon-to-expire useraccounts, Locked out users, logged on users, printers,Users with and without managers and many more are savedand printed by the software. The free trial is for 30days with disabled saving and printing of reports.