Computer Screen Recorder - Version 13.02.01 If you are suffering from decreased productivity ofyour employees then you must first try to find out themain reason behind it. There may be decreasedefficiency of your employees due to unexpected desktopactivities performed during working hours. In suchcases, you are advised to look for effective EmployeeDesktop Live Viewer tool. This tool acts as computerscreen recorder tool. By using this software, you don’tneed to check employee system activities individuallybut you can monitor every ongoing activity in an easyway. This software allows you to monitor multipleemployees remotely in real time with various otheradditional commands on targeted systems. This softwareenables you to easily capture the action and furtherview what employees are doing during their officialworking hours and further provide instant feedback ontheir activities. Including all these facilities, thetool has got built in remote administration featuresthat allow to remotely controlling remote workstationsin order to enhance work efficiency. If you are notpresent personally then you can configure scheduledrecording and the recorded files get saved in .AVIformat. In fact, it supports automatic tracking ofusers desktop activities based on the scheduled timeslot. Additionally, the tool also supports all versionsof Windows operating systems that include Windows 8,Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000,Windows 98, and Windows 95. For more information