Computer Spy - Version 12.01.01 Employee Desktop Live Viewer is the professionalcomputer spy software, which helps organization toincrease ROI. The software helps organization to knowwhich employee is using Internet for personalactivities and for how long. Depending on theinformation provided by the computer spy tool, loss tothe organization can be calculated. For example, if theorganization has 100 employees, each of them usesInternet for 30 minutes daily for personal use, andthose 30 minutes cost $10 to the organization for eachemployee then total loss will be 500 dollars per day. Those 500 dollars could be saved by guiding theemployees to do not use Internet for personal use,however, for that the organization must need to confirmfrequency of their Internet usage. The Employee DesktopLive Viewer captures ongoing desktop activities anddisplays them to the auditor’s computer. At a time,desktop activities of several computers can be monitored. Desktop activities of employees can also be recordedalong with having the live view. To monitor employees’computers, Agent file of the software needs to beinstalled on every PC that you want to monitor. Thegood thing about the installation of Agent file is itcan be installed remotely i.e. no need to manuallyvisit the employees PC to install it. Once the agent isinstalled, computer spy will start digging into theemployee’s PC.The software supports all versions of Windows operatingsystem, so can be used to spy computers running anyversion of Windows operating system. Free version ofthe computer spy tool is also available, which allowsspying computers for 7 days. For more information