Contacts Conversion from Outlook - Version 4.0 Do you know any shortest process for MS Outlook 2007Contacts Conversion? At the time of contactsconversion, you always search a trustworthy tool,because contacts play a vital role in your business.SysTools vCArd Export provide you a best option toexport Outlook Contacts at once. It is the shortest wayto Export Outlook Contacts to WAB, MS Excel and VCFfile format and also right way to access OutlookContacts in some other email clients like Lotus Notesetc. Suppose you are using MS Outlook for mailing. Dueto some internal or external issues, your MS Outlookgets corrupt. Now, the question arise that how to getbeck your contacts. One possible solution is to usethird party tool to get back your contacts into someother format like VCF format. SysTools vCard Exportprovides easy and efficient features to convert OutlookContacts. MS Outlook 2007 Contacts Conversion processeasily convert Outlook 2007 Contacts to OE, vCard &Excel becomes feasible with this software. If yourOutlook gets corrupt, use Outlook Modal. After using,you can convert Outlook 2007 contacts to OE or someother email application using SysTools vCard Export.Note that, MS Outlook 2007/2003/2002/XP/2000 must beinstalled in your PC before using this software. As youknow that MS Outlook 2000/2002/XP is ANSI based and MSOutlook 2003/2007 is Unicode based. At the time ofconversion, SysTools vCard Export support both format,ANSI and Unicode. So you can say that you can convertany version of Outlook contacts to some other softwareusing this software. Outlook to Excel Contactsconversion gives a way to use MS Excel features formanaging Outlook Contacts. Download demo version forcontacts conversion from Outlook to some other emailapplication with 15 contacts conversion limit. Aftersatisfactory response, you can get complete Outlookcontacts with SysTools vCard Export licensed version at$49.