Convert Incredimail 2.0 to Outlook - Version 5.1 Incredimail users couldn�t switch their Incredimailemails to MS Outlook format because IncrediMail do notprovide IncrediMail IMM emails exporting option.Therefore Users need perfect Incredimail to OutlookConverter tool to Convert Incredimail 2.0 to Outlookformat. The Incredimail 2.0 to Outlook Converter toolallows IncrediMail users to switch Incredimail to MSOutlook format and Convert Incredimail 2.0 to Outlookin batch format. Software convert IMM metadataproperties in PST file. Users can easily ConvertIncrediMail 2.0 to Outlook 2007, Outlook 2000, Outlook2003, Outlook 2010, Outlook 2012, etc.