Convert OST to PST Application - Version 4.7 Recover Data for OST to PST strikes out all thecritical scenarios of OST corruption. The powerfultechnology based converter repairs the corrupt ordamaged OST mails and revives the data out of it; afterthat it converts all the recovered data into newlycreated PST file of Microsoft Outlook. The do-ityourself tool allows users to recover OST files evenwhen MS Exchange server experiences a downtime. Thissmart utility tool is also very helpful in extractingemail messages, appointments, notes etc. that getsdeleted or becomes corrupt due to virus infection ordue to human faults. The OST to PST converterintuitively creates separate folders for all the OSTcomponents.The exchange OST to Outlook tool is also supportive topassword protected OST files. It fluently restoresoffline files and folders to different formats such asDBX, PST, EML etc. The best part about this software isthat it recuperates emails in their exact file formatsi.e. RTF, Text and HTML and also converts encrypted OSTmails to PST format using strong algorithms.This advanced conversion program comes with a simple touse GUI to provide smooth platform to users to carryout the process of conversion with ease. Specialtechnical skills or prior training is not so mandatoryto handle this software. The fully automated emailconverter gives user desired outcomes in just 2-3simple steps. To start the offline file conversionprocess, users need to first tick out the desired OSTfile that they need to convert. Preview of therecuperated files displays in the left panel for theusers to view and select the file for saving.Free of cost evaluation pack of the convert OST to PSTtool is available online to allow end users to judgethe work ability of the tool before any investment. Ifevaluation version fulfills your purpose, purchase theregistered edition to save the files. To know more about this conversion application, simplyvisit