Convert OST to PST - Version 7.05.01 Convert ost to pst software has been developed toconvert emails and other items of offline storage files(.ost) to Personal Storage file of ms outlook. Softwarealso works as an ost recovery software and recoverspermanently deleted emails and other items from thedeleted items folder of the .ost file. Save theconverted and recovered emails in the save optionsprovided by the software: .PST, .EML, .MSG and accessthe mails in MS Outlook or Outlook Express emailclients. It helps to convert every email, attachment,image, journal, sent email, draft, calendar,appointment, task, to-do list, schedule, meeting,folder with sub-folders existing in .ost file. Softwareis a perfect blend of email conversion and emailrecovery which suits the needs of an organization whoneed to migrate from old version of ms exchange serverto new version or the email recovery from .ost fileshave to be performed. Free demo version displayspreview of the recovered or converted email data. Tosave the previewed content, you need to purchase fullversion of ost 2 pst conversion software. It supportsMS Exchange Server version 5.0, 5.5, 2000, 2003 and 2007.