Convert Windows Live Mail To Outlook - Version 5.8 Are you willing to convert your emails from WindowsLive Mail to Outlook email platform? If yes then gowith Birdie EML to PST Converter program - ahot-selling software tool that helps you to convert EMLemails of Windows Live Mail into Outlook PST mailformat without any hassle. Software allows you toconvert Windows Live Mail to Outlook together with allemail details such as; Meta data, Attachments, EmbeddedImages and other details. Convert Windows Live Mail toOutlook software successfully helps users to view, reador access Windows Live Mail emails into Outlook emailplatform without any complication. Software also worksas batch EML to PST converter tool that means you canexport Windows Live Mail to Outlook in big batches atsingle conversion cycle without harming any data, thisprocess will save your vital time and effort. By usingthis WLM to Outlook tool you can convert Windows LiveMail to Outlook 2010, convert Windows Live Mail toOutlook 2007, etc. So try out the DEMO of EML to PSTConverter, it converts 10 email messages at one time.