Copy IncrediMail to Outlook Express - Version 6.01 IncrediMail mails are saved in .IMM format and if youwant that you could vies this files in Outlook Expressthen you will have to Copy IncrediMail to OutlookExpress. There is only one way using which you can CopyIncrediMail to Outlook Express that is usingIncrediMail Converter software. It is better to use anIMM files Converter program for this purpose so thatcompletely safe and secure conversion is endure. ToCopy IncrediMail to Outlook Express out IncrediMailConverter is apt because it has features which areoffered by no one else, such as its offers to keep youbatch mode conversion and it keeps your formatting ofthe email message intact also keeps the metadatainformation. Copy IncrediMail to Outlook Express withthe attachments files. Also you get a free trial of theprogram.