CopyCat - Version 4.1.23 CopyCat: Protect your valuable data and software! Easyto use, powerful backup utility with sophisticatedscheduling capability by source file or folder. Copylocal or remote files and folders to local or remotedestinations in original folder/file structure or as astandard "zip" archive. Optional labels and size limitson "zip" archives. Destination format can be controlledby source item. File selection, controlled by sourceitem, can be Standard; differential based on "date/timemodified", with the "Last Copy" date/time changing ateach backup; or incremental based on "date/timemodified", with the "Last Copy" date/time not changing. Optional update of "Last Copy" date/time on matchingdifferential and incremental items when standard copycompleted. Optional folder and/or file exclusioncapability (with "wildcard" specifications). Optionalfile or folder date/time stamps to avoid overwritingprevious backups. Extensive logging to verifyactivities and monitor potential problems. Easyselection of one or multiple source items and creationof the desired backup parameters. Multiple schedulesper source items are possible. Source items andparameters can be stored in any number of "Ini" filesfor re-use. Optional sound and email alerts on errorsand skipped files to help with remote processing.Optional email confirmation of backup completions.Optional password protection on "zip" archives.