Corrupt Exchange BKF Recovery - Version 15.10 Kernel for BKF is the authentic software which is oftenrecommended to the users for reinstating their damagedbackup files. The damaged backup files are verynecessary to establish. Kernel for BKF employs powerfuland sophisticated algorithm that carries out the entireprocess of recovery and helps to sustain revived files. Kernel Data Recovery has recently launched a newversion of Kernel for BKF. This is the better versionthan prior one allowing support to five largestdata-backup utilities which includes Windows NT Backup,Symantec Backup, HP Data Protector, ARCserve Backup,and Veritas Backup. It also allows user to flawlesslyrecover the .BKF, .CTF, and .FD backup files. Even if you have bulk of backup files to be recovered,Kernel for BKF is efficient enough to recover them insingle cycle without any data loss. Backup files thatgot tampered due to errors such as CRC and HDD failureare promptly recovered. For featured recovery Kernel for BKF provides snapshotoption with which user can stop and resume the processof recovery. For better results it is advised that yoursystem must contain Pentium class processor, 64 MB RAMand some space to save results. Kernel for BKF, acorrupt exchange BKF recovery tool supports allversions of Windows OS and lets user to evaluate thetool using its trial version.