DC Monitoring Software - Version 9.09.01 Evaluate Domain Controller performance of yourorganization with 100% freeware Chily DC monitorsoftware. It runs with administrator’s credentials andvery much quick in installation. DC parameters like CPUutilization, Memory Utilization and Disk Utilizationall get shown with DC monitor tool. Moreover, user canalso analyze other Domain Controller parameters such asPage Reads/sec, Page Writes/sec, NTFRS Handles, FileReads/sec, File Writes/sec, which are useful fromadministrative point of view. Chily DC monitor tool letyou monitor many domain controllers at a time, but youneed to provide authentic login credentials for eachDomain Controller. Working of DC monitoring is very much simple. Justclick on the Find button, all existing DC will getlisted. Choose the one you wish to monitor and provideits login credentials. Various parameters will getlisted for evaluation. An auto-update feature in thesoftware checks for ongoing changes in parametervalues. So download Domain Controller monitoringfreeware and start evaluating DC parameters of yourorganization.For more information visit http://www.chilysoftware.com